The Save Alpha campaign has support from local workers and officials who know from first hand experience how incapable Craig Dunwell will be of representing Alpha's best interests. Thanks to this town-wide support, Save Alpha continues to campaign during constant attacks made by Councilman Craig Dunwell and his out of state relatives, Diane Hoffman, Jamiann Regensburger and Jennifer Odell. Dunwell's aunt, Diane Hoffman, seems to be the biggest contributor to unethical attacks against Save Alpha's campaign. She often uses her daughters, Jamiann and Jennifer, to assist her, but most attacks against Save Alpha and its supporters are coordinated by Hoffman, who always gives herself credit for her unethical and often illegal actions on her public websites.
On July 8th, Diane Hoffman posted one Save Alpha supporter's dismissed court cases from the early 1990s. Save Alpha was able to have Hoffman's posts removed from the Internet, as her statements regarding the dismissed cases were libelous and defamatory. In addition, the dismissed cases involved proof of insurance not being available at a routine traffic stop, and an apartment cleaning fee, both which were dismissed from court as they were not actual issues, hence being dismissed.
Not being able to get the response she probably hoped for, assuming she intended to end the Save Alpha campaign by throwing her weight around, Hoffman attempted to accuse various Save Alpha supporters of living in houses which were in foreclosure. For weeks she publicly announced that she had information regarding banks and residences. Her posts seemed to be aimed mainly at her nephew's closest neighbors, who Hoffman attacks most often.
On August 19th, Councilman Craig Dunwell and Diane Hoffman were involved in the act of dumping roosters on the property of Craig Dunwell's neighbor, Heidi Crouse. The couple has been attempting to cause trouble for the Crouse family's private daycare business since Craig Dunwell moved into his mother's 7th Avenue property. Councilman Dunwell has vandalized the Crouse family's hedges many times, his mother, Joan Dunwell, attempted to hit Heidi Crouse with her car, Dunwell's family formed a mob and trespassed on the Crouse family's property to harass them during Alpha's 100th celebration, and Diane Hoffman has publicly praised herself for her involvement in Craig Dunwell's attacks on the Crouse family. Hoffman's blog posts, Facebook posts, and tweets are deleted soon after being posted, but Save Alpha keeps records of her statements for legal purposes.

Any rational observer understands that Craig Dunwell's relatives' actions are damaging to Dunwell's bid for mayor, yet the attacks continue. Dunwell and his relatives have been aggressively attempting to gather IP addresses of anyone who they assume is involved with the Save Alpha campaign. Beginning in July, Diane Hoffman and her daughters, Jamiann and Jennifer, publicly posted IP addresses for Internet connections they assumed belonged to Save Alpha supporters. Councilman Craig Dunwell seemed to have been researching the header information in emails received in his council mailbox in order to provide IP address data to his aunt and cousins.
On July 20th, Councilman Dunwell refused to respond to a direct question regarding his involvement in gathering IP address data on Alpha citizens communicating with him via his council email address.
Last week Save Alpha received tips that Diane Hoffman was boasting of her attempts to incriminate her nephew's neighbor by posting accusations of computer hacking on an IP address database site.
Hoffman's unethical and often illegal actions prove that her nephew, Craig Dunwell, has nothing to offer Alpha that could be shared with voters in order to increase his chances of ever being mayor.
Hoffman, Regensburger and Odell have no kind words for their relative running on the Republican ticket. Their only hope to assist his "campaign" seems to be attacking his "enemies", as they so ignorantly refer to the Save Alpha campaign and its supporters. A career in politics, beginning with the mayor's seat, won't be working out for Craig Dunwell any time soon.
If Councilman Craig Dunwell could promote himself in a more positive light and accept that there is a campaign against him, as naturally occurs in politics, he could possibly regain some respect in our town. But as of today, Alpha continues to laugh at the Craig Dunwell and his relatives, and their attempts to end the Save Alpha campaign.